Category Archives: workout

8.9.10 Lisa’s workout

Warm up/ stretch.

Circuit 1:

Cone shuffle drill x 2

Lateral band walk x 10 w/ overhead coreball

Knees to elbows on coreball x 10 each side

Single leg hip lifts on coreball x 10 each

Coreball toe touches (lying on back, shoulders off the ground) x 12

Repeat twice.

Circuit 2:

Reaction sprints x 3 (mtn climbers, plank or wall sit until I call go)

Tricep pull down rope x 12 (35 lbs)

Medball pushups x 14

Repeat twice.


Tricep rope pull down dropset (starting w/ 35 lbs)

8.11.10 Denise’s workout

Warm up/ stretch.

Circuit 1:

Sled pull (90 lbs)

Sled push (90 lbs)

Stair climbs (4 floors)

Plank x 40 seconds

Repeat twice.

Rock wall climb

8.5.10 Lisa’s workout

Warm up/ stretch.

Circuit 1:

Single leg push up on bosu x 15

3 way bicep curl on bosu x 5/5/5 (12.5 lb dumbbells)

Bosu ball up & overs x 30 seconds

Crunch on bosu ball x 15

Repeat twice.

Circuit 2:

Split stance water buckets x 8 each leg (20 lb dumbbells)

Kettle bell hip thrusts x 12 (20 lbs)

Single leg balance, 2 arm lateral arm raises x 5, hold 10 seconds, each leg (7.5 lb dumbbells)

Skate hops x 20

Repeat twice.


5 burpees, sprint to other side of bball court, 5 mtn climbers

4 burpees, sprint to other side of bball court, 4 mtn climbers

3 burpees, sprint to other side of bball court, 3 mtn climbers

2 burpees, sprint to other side of bball court, 2 mtn climbers

1 burpees, sprint to other side of bball court, 1 mtn climbers

Kyra Williams,

The Get In Shape Girl

8.4.10 Leah’s workout

Warm up/ stretch.

Circuit 1 (core):

Superman x 10 pulsing, hold 10 seconds

Side plank x 10 pulsing, hold 10 seconds, each side

Boat pose, hold 30 seconds

Bridge x 10 pulsing, hold 10 seconds

Repeat twice

Circuit 2:

Chin ups x 10 (80 lbs resistance)

Single leg adduction squat x 8 each leg

Stability ball wall squats x 10

Repeat twice.

Circuit 3:

Step up to curl x 8 beginning w/ each leg (10 lb dumbbells)

Harvard step x 30 seconds

Walking lunges x 8 each side (holding 10 lb dumbbells by sides)

Single leg, alternating over head press x 8 each arm, each leg

repeat twice.

Kyra Williams,

The Get In Shape Girl

8.3.10 Sarah’s workout

Warm up/ stretch:

Circuit 1:

Single leg squat to high knee on squat rack x 8 each leg (30 lbs)

Push up on core ball x 12

Overhand pull ups x 12 (52.5 lbs resistance)

Repeat twice.

Circuit 2:

Suicide (3/4 bball court)

Lateral band walk, holding 6 lb medball overhead x 8 each way

Plank walk to half court & back

Repeat twice

Ab circuit.

Kyra Williams,

The Get In Shape Girl

8.2.10 Dave’s workout

Warm up/ stretch.

Rock wall climb.

Circuit 1:


Alternating chest press on stability ball x 8 each (40 lbs dumbbells)

Walking planks x 10

chin ups x 12

Repeat twice.

Circuit 2:

20 second wall sit, sprint to half court, 5 squats, sprint back

30 second wall sit, sprint to half court, 10 squats, sprint back

40 second wall sit, sprint to half court, 15 squats, sprint back

Kyra Williams,

The Get In Shape Girl

7.27.10 Susan’s workout

Warm up/ stretch.

Circuit 1:

Bulgarian Squats x 8 each leg (15 lb dumbbells)

Bulgarian plyos x 8 each

4 way kneeling lateral tosses w/ 10 lb medball

Repeat twice.

Circuit 2:

Pullups (overhand) x 10 (112 lbs assistance)

RDL to two arm curl & press (15 lb dumbbells)

40 second reaction drill

Repeat twice.

Circuit 3:

60 second boat pose

Stability ball push ups x 12

Repeat twice.

Kyra Williams,

The Get In Shape Girl

7.27.10 Denise’s workout

Warm up/ stretch.

Circuit 1:

Bulgarian Squats x 8 each leg (15 lb dumbbells)

Bulgarian plyos x 8 each

4 way kneeling lateral tosses w/ 10 lb medball

Repeat twice.

Circuit 2:

Pullups (overhand) x 10

Single leg RDL to two arm curl & press (10 lb dumbbells)

40 second reaction drill

Repeat twice.

Kyra Williams,

The Get In Shape Girl

7.22.10 Susan’s workout

Warm up/ stretch.

Circuit 1:

Alternating stability ball chest press x 12 (12.5 lb dumbbells)

Stability ball crunches x 20

Alternating seated stability ball overhead press x 12 each (12.5 lbs)

Single leg squat x 8 each

Repeat twice.

Circuit 2:

step ups on box x 60 second (switch feet upon reaction)

Single leg two arm high pull x 6 each leg (12.5 lb dumbbells)

Lateral lunge w/ two-arm dumbbell curls x 8 each leg (10 lb dumbbells)

Repeat twice.

Kyra Williams,

The Get In Shape Girl

7.16.10 Lauren’s workout

Warm up & stretch.

All of this was completed on half of a basketball court.  Beginning at one end, and going back and forth between half court.

Obstacle course 1:

30 second wall sit

Hurdle series & jog to half court

Plyo push ups x 12

Shuffle halfway, stop & do 4 burpees, shuffle the rest of the way facing the opposite direction

10 jack knife crunches

Speed ladder & jog to half court

Single leg later “skater” lunges (1 foot on towel) x 8 each

Walking lunges

60 second plank

Repeat two more times w/out rest.

Obstacle course 2:

Wall sit w/ lateral medball catch x10

Hurdle series & jog to half court

10 mtn climbers each side

Karaoke back to wall

30 bicycle crunches

Speed ladder & jog to half court

Single leg backward lunges (1 foot on towel moving backward) x 8 each

Walk on hands (feet on a towel) from half court back to baseline

Repeat once more without rest.

Kyra Williams,

The Get In Shape Girl